Author: Mark Cachia

Ħobż imċappas bid-demm

On 29 February 2024, at least 118 hungry Palestinians were killed and 760 injured in Gaza City. Instead of food, they found death. Instead of bread, they encountered violence. Since then, the levels of hunger and suffering endured by Palestinians in Gaza have worsened, whilst countless thousands have lost their lives in the violence which was unleashed as retribution for the horrific 7th October attack on Israel… Kompli aqra »

Soċjetà mibdula: Malta fl-aħħar 70 sena

On the 27th of April, from 09:00 till 12:30, the Justice and Peace Commission and the Malta Catholic Youth Network is organising a half-day seminar called “A society transformed: Malta in the past 70 years”.

The aim of this seminar is to explore the deep and radical transformation which Malta has witnessed over the decades. It might be argued that the present-day economy, urban landscape, standard of living and demographic makeup of these islands bear little to no resemblance to the Maltese reality in the immediate post-war period… Kompli aqra »

Il-Knisja tniedi ‘HopeGen’ biex iż-żgħażagħ jibnu soċjetà aktar ġusta

HopeGen, proġett ta’ sena bejn il-Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi u l-Malta Catholic
Youth Network (MCYN), ġie mniedi sabiex b’mod attiv, iż-żgħażagħ ikollhom l-għodda
u s-setgħa jibnu soċjetà aktar ġusta.

Permezz ta’ HopeGen, il-Knisja f’Malta hi impenjata li trawwem ġenerazzjoni ta’
żgħażagħ bit-tama li jkunu ċittadini attivi u responsabbli. Dan filwaqt li jindirizzaw ukoll
diversi sfidi, inġustizzji, u inċertezzi preżenti madwarna… Kompli aqra »

Elezzjonijiet Ewropej? Għaliex għandu jimpurtani?

In the run-up to the European Parliament elections, which will be held in Malta on the 8th of June, the Justice and Peace Commission is offering a 60-minute workshop addressed at 16–18-year-old post-secondary students, on “EU elections: our civic and Christian responsibility to bother”.

During this workshop which can be held for groups of up to 50 young people at a time, participants will be able to reflect on the values – inspired by Catholic Social Teaching – on which the European Union is founded and encouraged to do their part in safeguarding and promoting these values in the concrete reality of Europe today… Kompli aqra »

What happened to second chance?

Last week, just as people in Valletta were celebrating the arrival on our shores of St Paul, another person who landed on our shores was unwillingly removed from our midst.

The story of Kusi sheds light on the harsh realities faced by many. In a world rife with complexities and contradictions, one of the starkest injustices lies in the treatment of migrants who are violently uprooted from a place they have settled in and call home… Kompli aqra »

Stabilità, mhux inċertezza

Aħna, bħala migranti li ilna għal żmien twil ngħixu u naħdmu f’Malta, qed ningħaqdu flimkien biex nitolbu li f’ħajjitna jkollna sens ta’ stabilità, u mhux inċertezza. Fid-dawl ta’ avvenimenti riċenti u sfidi kontinwi li tiffaċċja l-komunità tal-migranti, qed nasserixxu d-drittijiet tagħna u qed insejħu għal azzjoni urġenti min-naħa tal-awtoritajiet. Aħna ġejna Malta snin ilu, hekk kif ħallejna warajna sitwazzjonijiet problematiċi immens fil-pajjiżi ta’ oriġini tagħna… Kompli aqra »

Baħar Ċimiterju 2024

25 għaqda lokali qed jagħmlu sejħa lill-awtoritajiet Maltin biex jipprevjenu aktar ksur tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem u mwiet fil-Baħar Mediterran.

Il-Baħar Mediterran jibqa’ wieħed mill-aktar spazju bejn il-fruntieri fatali fid-dinja. Għexieren ta’ eluf ta’ nies mietu jew sfaw nieqsa meta ppruvaw jaqsmu l-Mediterran. Mill-inqas 3,041(1)  persuna mietu fil-Baħar Mediterran fl-2023, li għamel din is-sena waħda mill-aktar fatali. Ir-Rotta tal-Mediterran Ċentrali, mit-Tuneżija u l-Libja għal Malta u l-Italja, hija partikolarment perikoluża… Kompli aqra »

Solidarjetà bla waqfien mal-poplu tal-Ukrajna

The Secretaries General of the European Justice and Peace Commissions met in Berlin between the 9th and 11th February, as an alternative to the scheduled place of Lviv, which was not considered safe enough due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. In Berlin, we listened to refugees from Ukraine and to organisations supporting them. On Saturday evening we prayed for peace in front of the Russian embassy and on Sunday, we celebrated the Holy Eucharist together with the local Ukrainian Greek-Catholic parish… Kompli aqra »

Via Sagra

Bi tħejjija għall-Ġubilew tas-Sena 2025 ‘Pelleġrini ta’ Tama’, is-sena 2024 ġiet magħżula bħala s-Sena ta’ Talb mill-Papa Franġisku.

F’dan ir-Randan, ser nimxu ma’ Kristu fuq il-vjaġġ tal-passjoni tiegħu u niftakru f’ħutna madwar id-dinja kif ukoll lil dawk li għandna f’pajjiżna stess li ta’ kuljum jgħaddu minn sofferenza, faqar u inġustizzji.

Agħfas hawn (MLT) jew hawn (ENG) biex tniżżel din ir-riżorsa… Kompli aqra »

X’inhu jiġri f’Nagorno Karabhk?

Date: 30 January 2024 at 4pm CET
You can register here:

In the unprovoked 2020 war, in the large-scale attack of September 2022, and in numerous military border incursions, Armenia and its territory became a direct military target of Azerbaijan. Since
2020, 145,000 Karabakh Armenians have become refugees in Armenia, many of whom arrived after the Azerbaijani war for the complete conquest of Karabakh in September 2023… Kompli aqra »