Aħbarijiet Barranin

Sapport għall-paċi u d-drittijiet umani fl-Armenja u l-Armeni minn Nagorno-Karabakh

The Catholic Justice and Peace Europe network has requested lead candidates for the European elections to support a strong engagement of the European Union with Armenia and Armenian refugees and internally displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh over the next European political cycle.

In recent weeks, the Co-Presidents of Justice and Peace Europe, Maria Hammershoy and Mgr Antoine Hérouard have written letters to the lead candidates of several parties for the European elections regarding the critical situation of Armenia and Armenian refugees and internally displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh… Kompli aqra »

Il-poplu ta’ Alla f’mument ta’ talb qabel is-Sinodu

On Saturday, 30th of September, the “Gathering of the People of God” took place. At the invitation of Pope Francis, in the presence of around forty church leaders from various denominations, this vigil entrusted to the Holy Spirit the work of the synodal assembly of the Catholic Church which will begin on Wednesday 4th of October.

During the ecumenical prayer vigil which was organised by the Taizé Community, Pope Francis emphasised the importance of silence in our spiritual life… Kompli aqra »

L-ukrajna: Kif tista’ tgħin?

L-invażjoni brutali tal-Federazzjoni Russa fl-Ukrajna wasslet biex il-kruha tal-gwerra terġa’ tgħolli rasha fl-Ewropa. Fis-sitt xhur li ilha għaddejja l-gwerra, għexieren ta’ eluf diġà tilfu ħajjithom. Aktar minn tnax il-miljun ruħ kellhom iħallu djarhom. U l-possibbiltà li l-kunflitt jinfirex mal-Ewropa kollha, bir-riżultati katastrofiċi li dan iġib miegħu, ma tistax tiġi eskluża.

Ix-xenarju li għandna quddiemna huwa eżattament l-oppost tal-kultura ta’ fraternità proposta mill-Papa Franġisku… Kompli aqra »

Il-paċi hi frott tal-ġustizzja

On 24 February 2022 the Russian government launched a brutal and undeclared invasion of Ukraine. Like many civil society actors, Justice and Peace Europe immediately condemned the Russian aggression. Today, as secretaries general of Justice and Peace Commissions in Europe we reaffirm on the foundation of our Christian values and convictions that whilst diplomacy remains essential, some principles are non-negotiable, in particular respect for the dignity of every human being, the universality and indivisibility of human rights and the imperative of non-aggression, which is the basis for peaceful coexistence… Kompli aqra »

Talb u azzjoni għall-ġustizzja u paċi fl-Ukrajna u d-dinja kollha

“And hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” (Roman 5:5)

The Paschal mystery of Christ takes us to the heart of injustice, violence and suffering. The story of Christ’s passion and death echoes human suffering and tragedies experienced in many parts of our world, not least by Ukrainians in their own country and wherever the roads of exile have taken them… Kompli aqra »

Is-sitwazzjoni fl-Ukranja

Fid-dawl tal-invażjoni brutali tal-Ukrajna mit-truppi Russi fl-24 ta’ Frar 2022, aħna,

nikkundannaw l-aggressjoni Russa u nqisuha bħala ksur serju tal-liġi internazzjonali u bħala theddida għall-paċi fl-Ewropa,

nesprimu l-appoġġ u s-solidarjetà tagħna mal-Ukrajna u man-nies li qed ibatu,

nitolbu lill-gvernijiet Ewropej kollha biex jappoġġjaw lill-pajjiżi ġirien tal-Ukrajna fl-isforzi tagħhom biex jilqgħu u jakkomodaw lir-refuġjati,

nitolbu lill-Unjoni Ewropea, lill-istati membri tagħha u lill-gvernijiet Ewropej kollha biex jibqgħu magħqudin u jimponu serje ta’ sanzjonijiet aktar ħorox fuq l-awtoritajiet Russi,

nammiraw il-kuraġġ taċ-ċittadini Russi li minkejja kull xorta ta’ ripressjoni, niżlu fit-toroq bi ħġarhom biex jipprotestaw kontra l-gvern tagħhom f’isem il-paċi,

nitolbu lill-Qdusija Tiegħu il-Patrijarka Kirill u lill-awtoritajiet Ortodossi kollha fir-Russja biex jintervjenu fit-tmexxija politika sabiex ikun hemm waqfien mill-ġlied immedjat u biex it-truppi Russi kollha jirtiraw mit-territorju tal-Ukrajna,

nappoġġjaw is-sejħa tal-Papa Franġisku għal jum ta’ sawm u talb għall-paċi fl-Ukrajna f’Ras ir-Randan (2 ta’ Marzu),

nittamaw u naħdmu għal kultura ġdida ta’ paċi fl-Ewropa, filwaqt li niftakru fil-vittmi ċivili u militari kollha u l-familji tagħhom fit-talb tagħna… Kompli aqra »

Nitgħallmu mill-pandemija u nsalvaw il-ħajja ta’ miljuni ta’ nies

In a joint statement, the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) and Justice and Peace Europe call on the European Union (EU), the African Union (AU) and their member states to strengthen their commitment to equitable global vaccine supply and global health issues ahead of the joint AU-EU Summit.

Bishop Noël Treanor, president of Justice and Peace Europe, notes that the consequences of the pandemic are hitting particularly hard those who were already struggling before the pandemic: “Refugees and homeless people, often living in precarious conditions, live in constant fear of infection and are even more isolated than before… Kompli aqra »

Talba għall-paċi fl-Ukraina u fl-Ewropa

The Presidency of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences, giving voice to the Bishops of the European Continent in this dramatic moment of tension around Ukraine, wishes to express its closeness to the Churches in Ukraine and to all its people. They invite the international community to offer its support to the country in the face of the danger of a Russian military offensive.

While the entire international community interprets the actions of the Russian military forces as a real threat to peace throughout the world, we embrace – in this time of fear and uncertainty for the future of the country – our brothers and sisters in the faith and all the people of Ukraine… Kompli aqra »

Djalogu bejn il-ġenerazzjonijiet, l-edukazzjoni u x-xogħol: għodod biex tinbena l-paċi dejjiema

1.“Kemm huma sbieħ fuq il-muntanji r-riġlejn ta’ min ixandar is-sliem” (Iż 52:7).

Il-kliem tal-profeta Iżaija jesprimi l-faraġ, in-nifs ta’ serħan ta’ poplu eżiljat, għajjien minħabba l-vjolenza u l-oppressjoni, mifni min-nuqqas ta’ dinjità u mill-mewt. Dwaru l-profeta Bàruk staqsa: “Għala, Iżrael, għala tinsab f’art l-għedewwa tiegħek? Għala qiegħed tixjieħ f’art barranija? Għala int imniġġes mal-mejtin, magħdud fost dawk li jinżlu f’Qiegħ l-Art?” (3:10-11)… Kompli aqra »

Il-Papa iħeġġeġ lill-Kummissjonijiet Ġustizzja u Paċi jaħdmu b’kuraġġ, determinazzjoni u kreattivita’

Daniel Darmanin and Mark Cachia from Justice and Peace (Malta) joined other participants from Europe, Africa, Oceania and Asia in an online conference for Justice and Peace Commissions which was hosted on Wednesday 17th November by the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.

Following the establishment of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development in 2016, the need emerged for a dialogue with Church bodies working for justice and peace, especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and in the light of the Encyclicals Laudato Si’ and Fratelli tutti… Kompli aqra »