
Li nkunu konxji mhux biżżejjed

In Saudi Arabia, over 1,300 pilgrims lost their lives during the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, when temperatures soared above 50°C. Meanwhile, in the Indian capital of Delhi, the temperature exceeded 40°C for 40 consecutive days. And in Mexico, monkeys are falling dead from trees, after succumbing to heatstroke.

These are just some of the climate-change related tragedies which may have popped up on our screens in the last few weeks… Kompli aqra »

Id-dinjità bla qies tal-bniedem taħt theddida

In April 2024, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued Dignitas Infinita, a Declaration approved by Pope Francis that reaffirms the Church’s traditional teaching on abortion, poverty and euthanasia, whilst denouncing newer forms of violation of human dignity in the 21st century.  

At a time when definitions of what “dignity” actually means differ widely, this document clarifies the true meaning of human dignity and the practical implications – in the social, political and economic realms – of building our societies and communities on the solid foundation of human dignity… Kompli aqra »

Wasal iż-żmien li nirriformaw is-sussidji fuq l-enerġija

The latest NSO data shows that Malta’s general government debt continued to grow, reaching €9,976.2 million by the end of March. This figure represents 50.4% of the country’s gross domestic product and marks an increase of €726.3 million compared to the first quarter of 2023.

Despite a narrowing deficit, the relentless rise in debt paints a portrait of a generation that squanders its resources, leaving a heavy burden for those yet to come… Kompli aqra »

Il-ġustizzja – antidotu għall-korruzzjoni

Hawa fatt li bħalissa għaddejin minn mument delikat ħafna fl-istorja reċenti ta’ pajjiżna. Fuq l-għatba ta’ elezzjonijiet lokali u ewropew, ħarġet l-aħbar li numru ta’ politiċi, professjonisti u uffiċjali pubbliċi ħa jiġu mtella’ l-qorti b’akkużi gravi immens. Bħal ma jiġri ta’ spiss f’dawn l-okkażjonijiet, hemm riskju kbir li persuni ta’ rieda tajba li jixtiequ jifhmu tassew fejn hi l-verità u li jixtiequ li f’pajjiżna ssaltan il-ġustizzja u l-paċi jispiċċaw diżorjentati u mitlufin quddiem il-kwantità ta’ ilħna, propaganda u nofs veratijiet li bihom qed niġu ibbumbardjati… Kompli aqra »

Sejħa għad-demokrazija: Ningħaqdu għall-ġejjieni tal-Ewropa

From June 6th to 9th, a pivotal event unfolds across Europe as approximately 400 million citizens prepare to cast their ballots in the European Parliament elections. This exercise in democracy transcends national borders, offering each individual the opportunity to shape the collective destiny of the continent. Notably, this election marks a historic milestone as, for the first time, young people aged 16 and 17 in some countries are eligible to participate as well… Kompli aqra »

Ħobż imċappas bid-demm

On 29 February 2024, at least 118 hungry Palestinians were killed and 760 injured in Gaza City. Instead of food, they found death. Instead of bread, they encountered violence. Since then, the levels of hunger and suffering endured by Palestinians in Gaza have worsened, whilst countless thousands have lost their lives in the violence which was unleashed as retribution for the horrific 7th October attack on Israel… Kompli aqra »

What happened to second chance?

Last week, just as people in Valletta were celebrating the arrival on our shores of St Paul, another person who landed on our shores was unwillingly removed from our midst.

The story of Kusi sheds light on the harsh realities faced by many. In a world rife with complexities and contradictions, one of the starkest injustices lies in the treatment of migrants who are violently uprooted from a place they have settled in and call home… Kompli aqra »

Fix-xbieha ta’ Alla li jħobb u jħenn

In the last days much has been written about comments made on the national station with regards to disabilities as fruit of original sin. I, myself have struggled with this Biblical narrative for several years. However, the Church’s teaching shows us that such an approach provides a shallow reading of what is meant by ‘perfection/imperfection’ in the creation story.

When we view people with disabilities as “unperfect” or inferior, we risk embracing a utilitarian view of humanity… Kompli aqra »

Mhux biss ħajja, imma ħajja bil-kotra

Fl-evanġelju ta’ San Ġwann, Gesu jesprimi b’mod ċar l-għan tal-missjoni tiegħu li jkollna l-ħajja u l-ħajja bil-kotra. Għaldaqstant, biex tkun taqbel mal-pjan u l-ħolma ta’ Alla, l-ħajja ta’ kull bniedem għandha tmur lil hinn mis-sempliċi sopravivenza. F’dan l-aspett it-Tagħlim Soċjali tal-Knisja joffri viżjoni koerenti u konsistenti: Ir-rispett lejn il-persuna u d-difiża tal-ħajja ma jiddependux mill-età, l-ħila, l-abiltà jew il-kontribut finanzjarju tagħha. Il-pedament ta’ etika konsistenti favur il-ħajja huwa d-dinjità tal-bniedem, li l-ebda ċirkostanza u l-ebda liġi umana ma jistgħu qatt idgħajfu… Kompli aqra »

Ma nistgħhux naqtgħu qalbna

Fid-dawl tal-vot li ttieħed il-bieraħ fil-parlament dwar il-bżonn ta’ inkjesta pubblika li titfa’ dawl fuq il-mewta traġika ta’ Jean Paul Sofia, il-Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi tappella lill-awtoritajiet biex jisimgħu il-karba ta’ omm u tal-poplu għall-ġustizzja. Huwa ta’ diżappunt kbir li kwistjoni daqshekk sensittiva, għal darb’oħra, qed tispiċċa ballun politiku.

Quddiem din ir-reżistenza għall-inkjesta pubblika li diffiċli tifhimha, tispjegaha u tiġġustifikaha, niftakru f’dawk l-għexieren ta’ ħaddiema li fl-aħħar snin tilfu ħajjithom fuq is-siti ta’ kostruzzjoni… Kompli aqra »