Monthly Archives: April 2023

Is-“suċċess” ekonomiku ta’ pajjiżna qatt m’għandu jinkiseb a skapitu tal-ħaddiema

F’Jum il-Ħaddiem ta’ din is-sena, il-Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi tixtieq tesprimi t-tħassib tagħha dwar l-inġustizzja mġarrba minn persuni mhux mill-UE li jaħdmu f’Malta, li minkejja li jħallsu l-kontribuzzjonijiet tas-sigurtà soċjali, ma jirċivux  pensjoni. Is-sistema tal-pensjoni tagħna hija msejsa fuq ħaddiema mhux mill-UE li jibqgħu hawn għal ftit snin, iħallsu l-kontribuzzjonijiet tas-sigurtà soċjali u jitilqu qabel ma jirċievu l-pensjoni. Il-Kummissjoni temmen li dan il-mudell ta’ soċjetà huwa soċjalment inġust u moralment inaċċettabbli… Kompli aqra »

In-newtralità ta’ Malta, kif tgħin fil-kawża tal-paċi?

Malta’s Constitution defines Malta as a “neutral state actively pursuing peace, security and social progress among all nations by adhering to a policy of non-alignment and refusing to participate in any military alliance.” This neutrality clause was introduced in 1987. Since then, the geopolitical landscape has shifted dramatically with the war in Ukraine being just the latest in a series of violent shocks and conflicts which, according to Pope Francis, are part of what he calls a third world war “fought in piecemeal fashion”… Kompli aqra »

Konsultazzjoni pubblika dwar il-liċenzjar tal-kuntratturi

The Justice and Peace Commission welcomes this public consultation and believes that if it is robust enough and its implementation properly enforced, the proposed regulations on the Contractor’s licence can be a step in the right direction. Also, we are aware that measures concerning who can enter the construction market as a contractor on their own, while important, cannot provide a comprehensive solution to all the well-known problems affecting this industry… Kompli aqra »

It-tfittxija tal-paċi

Today marks the 60th anniversary from the publication of Pacem in Terris, an important encyclical written by Pope John XXIII in 1963 at a time when the world was undergoing significant changes and facing numerous challenges.

The cold war was at its peak and the world was divided into two ideological camps, with the threat of nuclear war constantly looming. At the same time, many countries struggled to overcome poverty, inequality and social injustice… Kompli aqra »

Ir-raba’ anniversarju mill-qtil ta’ Lassana Cisse

On April 6th, 2019, Lassana Cisse, a 42-year-old man from the Ivory Coast, was shot and killed in Birżebbuġa, Malta, in a racially motivated attack, where two other victims Ibrahim Bah and Mohammed Jallow were also left for dead. The two suspects were identified as off-duty Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) soldiers, who allegedly targeted the victims because of their skin colour. Just a few months before, the same two perpetrators deliberately ran over May Malimi, a young man from Chad, whilst he was also walking in Birżebbuġa… Kompli aqra »