Position Papers

Kontribuzzjoni fil-Konsultazzjoni pubblika dwar il-labour migration policy.

Il-Kummissjoni tal-Ġustizzja u l-Paċi, il-Kummissjoni tal-Migranti u s-Servizz tal-Ġiżwiti għar- Refuġjati (JRS Malta) għamlu diversi rakkomandazzjonijiet dwar il-politika l-ġdida tal-migrazzjoni tax-xogħol f’Malta. L-analiżi tagħhom hija bbażata fuq ir-riċerka “Beyond GDP II” kif ukoll fuq l- esperjenza tagħhom mal-ħaddiema barranin u r-refuġjati.

Punti Ewlenin:

✅ Ritenzjoni u Stabilità: L-estensjoni tal-perjodu ta’ tiġdid għal sentejn huwa pass tajjeb, iżda s- sistema teħtieġ aktar flessibilità biex toffri triqat ċari għal residenza fit-tul u integrazzjoni soċjali… Kompli aqra »

Tnedija ta’ Beyond GDP II: l-isfidi moħbija taċ-ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi f’Malta

The Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Malta has published its latest report, Beyond GDP II: Third-Country Nationals in Malta: Sharing in our economic future or serving labour market interests? The report is released amidst evolving migration policies and an increasing reliance on third-country nationals (TCNs) as a key part of the Maltese economy.

Malta’s unique context marked by an ageing population, low fertility rates, labour shortages and a drive for higher GDP growth — underscores the indispensable contributions of TCNs… Kompli aqra »

Il-baġit mhux biżżejjed biex jindirizza t-tbatijiet ekonomiċi

The Justice and Peace Commission, within the Archdiocese of Malta, welcomes the social measures in Malta’s 2025 Budget, but believes more should be done to secure a dignified standard of living for those facing economic hardships.

The Commission also stresses the need for ongoing improvements to address the broader social needs of vulnerable groups — especially the elderly, homeless, and migrant workers — who face significant barriers daily… Kompli aqra »

Il-Wegħda ta’ Paċi għall-Ewropa

Embracing Human Security and Just Peace in EU Policies

As the European Union navigates a world marked by conflicts and division, Justice and Peace Europe, the Community of Sant’Egidio and Pax Christi International, as Catholic organisations, urge a reaffirmation of the EU’s foundational commitment to Just Peace. This vision, as envisaged by the EU’s Founders, sees peace not merely as the absence of war, but as a lasting goal rooted in justice, human dignity, and dialogue… Kompli aqra »

Ġustizzja mal-ħaddiema: drittijiet, dinjità u kwalità ta’ ħajja aħjar

Is-sistema ekonomika Maltija hija mibnija fuq l-isfruttament tal-ħaddiema.

It-tkabbir ekonomiku ta’ dawn l-aħħar snin kellu jtejjeb il-kwalità tal-ħajja tal-ħaddiema. Minflok, qegħdin f’sitwazzjoni fejn ħafna jgħixu fuq pagi baxxi, jaħdmu bil-prekarjat, u f’kundizzjonijiet ħżiena. Għalhekk nemmnu li għandna nimxu lejn mudell ekonomiku mibni fuq il-ġustizzja soċjali.

Nhar l-1 ta’ Mejju, Jum il-Ħaddiem, tnehdiet il-kampanja “Ġustizzja mal-Ħaddiema”, bil-preżentazzjoni ta’ dokument li tfassal sabiex inkunu nistgħu nimxu lejn sistema ekonomika mibnija fuq il-ġustizzja soċjali… Kompli aqra »

Solidarjetà bla waqfien mal-poplu tal-Ukrajna

The Secretaries General of the European Justice and Peace Commissions met in Berlin between the 9th and 11th February, as an alternative to the scheduled place of Lviv, which was not considered safe enough due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. In Berlin, we listened to refugees from Ukraine and to organisations supporting them. On Saturday evening we prayed for peace in front of the Russian embassy and on Sunday, we celebrated the Holy Eucharist together with the local Ukrainian Greek-Catholic parish… Kompli aqra »

Tranżizzjoni lejn ekonomija sostenibbli u iffukata fuq il-bniedem

The Catholic Justice and Peace Networks of the Patria Grande, bringing together 14 Commissions and Teams that work for Justice and Peace in the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean, and Justice and Peace Europe, bringing together 32 European National Commissions for Justice and Peace, wish to call on the upcoming CELAC-EU Summit of Heads of State and Government (Brussels, 17-18 July 2023) to agree on necessary steps for a transition towards a people-centred and sustainable economy… Kompli aqra »

Konsultazzjoni pubblika dwar il-liċenzjar tal-kuntratturi

The Justice and Peace Commission welcomes this public consultation and believes that if it is robust enough and its implementation properly enforced, the proposed regulations on the Contractor’s licence can be a step in the right direction. Also, we are aware that measures concerning who can enter the construction market as a contractor on their own, while important, cannot provide a comprehensive solution to all the well-known problems affecting this industry… Kompli aqra »

Ir-rispett għall-ftehim internazzjonali dwar id-diżarm nukleari mhux forma ta’ dgħjufija, imma sors ta’ saħħa

With Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and its consequences, the world seems to have regressed into a new Cold War dynamic, involving a dangerous rhetoric with threats of use of nuclear weapons. Eroding respect for the principles of international law, including arms control agreements, undermines trust within the international community. Along with renewed strategic rivalry among nuclear powers and evolving technologies, this makes the scenario of an intentional or accidental nuclear detonation very real… Kompli aqra »