Monthly Archives: June 2023

Wasal iż-żmien li jitwaqqgħu l-akkużi

Nitolbu li l-Avukat Ġenerali, Dr Victoria Buttigieg tirtira b’mod immedjat l-akkużi inġusti li saru kontra Abdalla, Amara u Kader, magħrufa bħala l-El Hiblu 3.

Abdalla, Amara u Kader waslu Malta ’l fuq minn erba’ snin ilu. Bħala medjaturi u tradutturi fuq il-bastiment El Hiblu 1, huma ħadmu sabiex jevitaw ir-ritorn illegali ta’ ’l fuq minn 100 ruħ lejn il-Libja u biex irażżnu sitwazzjoni delikata fuq il-baħar… Kompli aqra »

Ħwejjeġ bl-irħis: Min qed iħallas il-prezz?

On 24 April 2013, 1,134 Bangladeshi garment workers were killed and at least another 2,000 injured in the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory, where clothes ware being made for international fashion brands. Pope Francis condemned the conditions under which these garment workers worked as slave labour.

Ten years later, the fight for a safe and fair work environment continues. Unfortunately, the way we currently make, buy, use and discard our clothes, has not only led to a “business model” that demands that workers work for a pittance in unsafe conditions but is also contributing to the kind of ecological degradation which is destroying our common home… Kompli aqra »

Spazju ta’ djalogu

Based on Pope Francis’ visit to Malta in 2022 and supported by the Vicariate for Evangelisation and Justice & Peace – Malta, began as a podcast with various people active in Maltese society, to discuss the kind of society we are hoping to build together.

To wrap up the first season of the project, a public dialogue was held on the 1st of June at Suq tal-Belt… Kompli aqra »

Kif jistgħu l-ħwejjeġ tagħna jkunu sostenibbli

On the 1st of June, the European Parliament voted on a resolution about the European Sustainable Textile Strategy that addresses among others matters of due diligence in the textile sector, the promotion of slow fashion, the reduction of textile waste.

To understand the implications of this resolution and discuss the way forward, the European Laudato Si’ Alliance is organising a webinar on the 6th of June at 18:00… Kompli aqra »